How to trial the best performing AI-Driven iGaming CRM without an integration

Connor Coutts
November 29, 2022
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Ibex is excited to offer one of the first trials of its kind to the industry; a completely free, zero-integration three-month trial to test out the benefits AI marketing can have on your customer base.
AI is quickly making its way into the CRM industry however, most operators and suppliers are unclear on how this can strengthen their teams and processes.
Undertaking a trial with Ibex will clear up many of these unknowns and prove just how lucrative using AI and machine learning in your marketing can be.
The trial is broken down into the following steps:
  1. Register and upload anonymised player activity data
    The first step involves registering and uploading anonymised player and activity data via our self-service portal. Our online tutorial will walk you through the data we need for this by giving specific examples as well as a format for the data exchange.
  2. Pick your marketing actions
    Choose from our selection of pre-configured marketing actions based on the bonuses already available in your system. Our AI recommendations will be based on these actions.
  3. Generate recommendations
    Ibex will analyse your customer base and select the best marketing action for each player using pre-trained models. A recommendations file containing player IDs and which promotions to send will be produced – this can be downloaded through the Ibex portal.
  4. Send out the recommendations to your players
    Activate the promotions and send communications as per the recommendations file. This will be done using your existing bonus management tool and service provider.
  5. Analyse Impact
    Repeat the ‘upload step’ which requires up-to-date player and activity data so we can assess the impact of sending out the recommendations. This can be done as frequently as once a day. A report will be generated the next day where you can track performance and measure the impact on LTV.  
Repeating steps 3-5 will allow you to test out the impact AI recommendations can have on your players over the three-month trial period.
This will show you how well our models perform against your current activities, and in the case of a full integration setup, the benefits of automated marketing decisions.
At the end of this free trial, we will mutually analyse the performance of Ibex compared to the control group defined at the outset and discuss transitioning to a full integration setup.
We will completely integrate with your existing stack so that we can automate the entire process of bonusing players. You will have bespoke machine learning models built by our data science team, complete customisation of offers and our complete reporting suite at your fingertips.
If you’re ready to challenge the status quo and see how Ibex compares to your current retention efforts and existing tools in place, don’t hesitate to get in touch at

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